Producing Vibrant Lambs on Grass and in Confinement Systems
- Excellent Mothering Ability
- Ewes Produce Lots of Milk
- Myomax Muscling Gene
- Fast Growing Lambs
- Optimum Fertility
- High Health
- Longevity
- Scrapie Genotyped
Four years from now his daughters will still be producing in your flock.
Since we carefully select Quality Sheep breeding stock ewes and rams to perform well for commercial lamb growers, you can have confidence in ownership. The flock is managed under an annual spring grass lambing system. With this in mind, excellent mothering ewes is a must. In addition to milking well, ewes have just the right number of lambs born and their lambs grow quickly on grass. Furthermore, selecting replacements for the best forage performance means the lactating ewes and their lambs receive no supplementation during the entire 100 day lactation period. To summarize, our composite ewes and rams are bred to convert forage into lambs for profit.
Know what’s in the genes before the rams go in!
Quality Sheep rams are genomically tested for Myostatin Muscling (MyoMax), Scrapie Resistance and Maedi-Visna Resistance genes. Wouldn’t you rather know what you are getting instead of purchasing rams and hoping for the best? In the long term, rely upon structurally sound, genomic-tested, high health Quality Sheep rams to sire excellent daughters. Invest in the future of your flock today with Quality Sheep breeding stock.

Quality Sheep Ram Calculator
For further info on Growing Great Lambs on Pasture check out this pdf.

Quality Sheep is located in the rolling hills of Bonshaw, PEI.